Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Broken Heart

A female cop goes out on patrol with a male cop. Theres a shooting he dies, she survives and all hell breaks loose. Its as if she had to die as well. Why? Her entire command turned their backs on her.

She was involved in a shooting, she survived but saw her partner died. She should have received help, rushed to the hospital for trauma, assigned a PBA rep, and given any support she needed. Thats what would have happened if the male officer survived. Long story short, she became suicidal.

Do you know what she died of? A broken heart. Do you understand the pain she felt to die of a broken heart. She was a young healthy woman. Were you one of the officers who had to Monday quarterback and put your unjustifiable two cents in? Nothing she did that day justifies what was done to her...nothing!

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